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Power Whip BDSP Only. September 3rd - September 11 2022 As part of a large Clefairy focused celebration across Pokémon Centers in Japan a special Serial Code was given by staff that allowed you to redeem Clefairy in the games.
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl Poketch
The user temporarily empties its mind to forget its concerns.

. This sharply raises the users Sp. The attacks recoil harshly lowers the users Sp. Pokémon Center - Clefairy Distribution.
The user whips up a storm of leaves around the target. Leaf Storm BDSP Only.
Pokemon Platinum The Poketch Applications
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl Super Contests
Pokemon Diamond Pearl The Poketch
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl Poketch
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl Poketch
Pokemon Platinum The Poketch Applications
Pokemon Platinum The Poketch Applications
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl Poketch
Pokemon Diamond Pearl The Poketch
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl Elite Four
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl Pre Release Screenshots
Pokemon Diamond Pearl The Poketch
Pokemon Diamond Pearl The Poketch
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl Poketch
Pokemon Platinum The Poketch Applications
Pokemon Diamond Pearl The Poketch
Pokemon Platinum The Poketch Applications